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Reset and Restart

Reset your Mind and Restart your Goals. 

Our Mission

​Our mission is to empower individuals to live up to their fullest potential mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Why Join the Reset and Restart Community?

Why Join the Reset and Restart Community?

Reset & Restart LLC is a safe and supportive space designed to provide solution-focused collaborative treatment for individuals, families, and community members to rebuild themselves.


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Individual Counseling 

Feeling Overwhelmed? Defeated? Tired? Alone? Frustrated? Lost?


Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is an innovative technology proven to restore energy, enhance moods and improve sleep.    

  If you are experiencing excessive anxiety, panic, restlessness, fatigue, and declining moods, this might be for you. 

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Wellness Assessment 

Feeling stressed out?

Severe stress often throws us off balance mentally and physically. Many of us just keep going, and never restore our body back to homeostasis.  

The Zyto Balance software  

provides a comprehensive assessment to empower individuals to make better decisions about their emotional and physical health.

Schedule your Zyto Scan today!  

Red light therapy Session


Red light therapy is an innovative technology that promotes deep relaxation and restorative energy.


How often do you have quiet time alone, without interruption, to relax before resuming your tasks for the day? 


The Reset Room provides a quiet space to relax on a  warm massage table bed, with the sound of waterfalls and positive affirmations, smells of aromatherapy, and soft lighting, fostering a serene atmosphere and peace of mind


It's a power nap on the next level! 


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Zyto Scan 

The Zyto Balance Software is a non-invasive, affordable tool that identifies specific nutritional supplements, essential oils, and clinical services to restore stability and benefit overall health and wellness. Individuals simply place their hands on the Zyto hand cradle, and the software automates biosurveys using galvanic skin responses (GSR) to tell you what your body wants. You receive a comprehensive wellness report to develop and support your individualized health and wellness treatment plan. 

 Schedule your assessment today! 

Book an Appointment

 Experience Red Light Therapy in the “Reset Room,” designed to foster a serene atmosphere and peace of mind. Schedule a session 

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